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I’m a NO to Shame.
At first glance my response is DUH! who the fuck is a yes to shame?
Of course I’m a NO to shame. I would bet you are too.
Here’s the thing…
While I am intellectually a No to shame I have some places in my life where I have allowed shame to continue to dwell. Where I have not lived into being a NO to shame.
Let me share some of the places where is has become clear that I not living my NO to shame. It is messy…I don’t know where all this is going…I am surrendering to co-creation to end my Shame Game.
Join me on the journey of the Shame Game Series!
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Oracle Card
Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild
Our Lady of the Ocean of Rebirth
Mother Mary brought the message as a champion of growth & asked to allow her to help me release a karmic pattern.
For me, that was a sign that I am in the right space, the right moment to co-create with Spirit.
Mother Mary always creates a sense of being held in her love & grace when I step in with her.