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Lola Medicine Keeper is a recovering perfectionist, shamanic healer, edgewalker, mystical mama, and plant lover. She shares ways to “human” well on the site she runs with her twin flame husband: Wild Playground. Lola’s healing gifts and shamanic path opened after she left behind a miserable corporate job and her practice marriage… She knows what it is like to take a LEAP and learn to fly on the way down.
Through her experiences with the abyss, shamanic work, motherhood, 6+ years of full-time, entrepreneurship, and opening her heart fully to love, she's honed a unique set of skills and perspectives. She’s deeply honored to serve thousands of clients as they navigate the turbulent waters of listening to their souls, remembering their intuitive gifts, and living an aligned life. Find her shamanic retreats, soul mentorship, online classes, and a profane-yet-amazing personal care line at
Connect with Lola:
Travel Image ~ Dragon
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo
This dragon can be seen at the Chinese temple in downtown Kuching. Hours can be spent exploring all the detail in the decorations that adorn the walls of the open air sanctuary. Chinese temples serve as a refuge from the stream of traffic and constant motion of the city. The people of Kuching come and go, offering prayers and lighting incense. In Chinese mythology the dragon represents the vital potential of falling rain and flowing water. Life is a process of constant growth and learning to go with the flow creates some ease within the experience. Dragons have been very present for me recently again.