Ep 109 ~ Lindsay Sudeikis~ Divino Amore

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Lindsay Sudeikis is an educator-activist in the practice of wonder and is based in New York. She is also a former Catholic nun, a current lover of humanity and all that is, and an aspiring mystic and improvisor.

You can find her current work as a ritualist at omniasancta.org


Connect with Lindsay:

Website: https://omniasancta.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lindsay.sudeikis

Links mentioned in this episode

Michelle Alexander & The New Jim Crow ~ http://newjimcrow.com/ & Michelle’s On Being podcast episode ~ https://onbeing.org/programs/michelle-alexander-who-we-want-to-become-beyond-the-new-jim-crow/



Oracle Card

Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild

This card brings the messaging around seeing Mother Mary’s light, her love & grace through the darkness.

The understanding of the purpose of our past suffering.

Light is then shone on the paradox around truly opening to life means being willing to die many deaths long before the death of our human bodies.